- Information about the resin art.
- Techniques and methods to handle resin
stretched canvas 12 X18.
- Information about the materials used for
creating resin art on mantra frame.
- Learn to assemble the mantra on the frame.
- Learn how to overcome difficulties while
creating artwork.
- Tips and tricks to enhance your mantra frame.
- Dos and don’ts while working with resin art.
- Step-by-step guidance and demonstration.
Material provided - Stretched Canvas 12"x18"-1, Resin & Hardener 100/50 grms -1 , Ice cream sticks-5, Kohinoor Gold, Ultra White, Sandstone color pigments-1 pouch each, Devi Mantra Cutout-1, Crystals, Gloves -1 Pair..
Takeaways-A beautiful master piece created by you, confidence of creating the next beautiful artwork without any help, a refreshed mind and happiness.